Thunder Bay Train Yard

On my way back from a quick wedding I shot today I decided to take my new Fuji 18mm 2.0 lens out for a test run. Prior to this lens I only had the 35mm 1.4 which is a fantastic lens but I wanted something a bit wider as well. I actually used this lens for some wedding shots earlier in the day and I will be sure to post those at a later date. It actually worked quite well.

I arrived at the overpass a couple hours before sunset so the sun was a bit low. It was an overcast day with a few shadows coming out just as I was about to leave. You can see them in the last shot of the overpass floor. It was too cold to stay out long so I snapped a few quick shots and these are the ones that turned out. All photos were shot with the Fuji XE-1 and 18mm 2.0. I used the basic colour mode in camera and then converted to BW in Lightroom 4. As I mentioned before, I am really liking the VSCO Film Pack. For these photos I used the 3rd pack to give it more grainy feel.

Oh, and I couldn't help but take a photo of these huge icicles hanging from the building beside me. I was starting to get dirty looks from some old guy so I figured it was a good time to leave.

Overpass Overpass Angled Train Yard Overhead Westfort Overpass Train Yard Through Fence Icicles